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Hand Forged Japanese Samurai Katana Sword Folded Steel Blue Blade UNOKUBI-ZUKURI
Description: SL1226 is a katana whose blade is of the unokubi-zukuri geometry. This blade type is usually common in shorter blades like tanto. The blade of this sword is made...
Hand Forged Japanese Samurai Katana Sword Folded Steel Blue Blade Copper Tsuba Full Tang
Description:The folded steel blade is carefully crafted and, after the coloring process, the grains of the folded steel become more pronounced, enhancing its visual appeal. The tsuka is made of...
Hand Forged Japanese Samurai Katana Sword Folded Steel Clay Tempered Full Tang
Description: Katana is a Japanese sword characterized by a curved, single-edged blade with a circular or squared guard and long grip to accommodate two hands. These Katanas are truly inspired...
Hand Forged Japanese Samurai Katana Sword Folded Steel Clay Tempered Full Tang Functional
Features: Folded steel. Full Tang. Clay tempered. Battle ready, not just a collectible. Traditional craftsmanship, hand forged, hand polished. Perfect balance, comfortable grip. Gives away a free sword bag and...
Hand Forged Japanese Samurai Katana Sword O-Kissaki 1095 High Carbon Steel Clay Tempered Bruce Lee Tsuba
Description: The blade is made of 1095 high carbon steel, it is differentially hardened and has a visible hamon. It has a O-kissaki. There's big bohi on each side of...
Hand Forged Japanese Samurai Katana Sword Dragon Carving Combined Material Sanmai Full Tang
Description: The blade is honsanmai lamination, 1095 high carbon steel is the cutting edge, folded steel is used as jacket steel. The hamon is hand-polished, there's engraving on each side...
Hand Forged Japanese Daisho Katana Sword+Wakizashi Sword 2 Piece Set Dragon Tsuba
Description:The blades are made of folded steel, they can be used to cut small trees and bamboos. Hada is clearly visible. The tsukas are made of hardwood, wrapped with genuine...
Hand Forged Japanese Samurai Katana Sword 1095 High Carbon Steel Shobu-Zukuri Choji Hamon
Description:The blade is made of 1095 high carbon steel and clay tempered. It's unokubi zukuri, the thickness on the back becomes thinner from the half of the blade towards the...
Hand Forged Japanese Samurai Sword Clay Tempered Katana Honsanmai 1095 Steel+Folded Steel Iron Tsuba
Description:The blade is honsanmai lamination, 1095 high carbon steel is the cutting edge, folded steel is used as jacket steel. It is clay-tempered with a natural hamon. Besides the hamon,...
Hand Forged Japanese Samurai Katana Sword 1095 High Carbon Steel Clay Tempered Mirrorlike Blade Tiger Tsuba
Features: 1095 high carbon steel. Full Tang. Clay tempered. Tiger tsuba. Battle ready, not just a collectible. Traditional craftsmanship, hand forged, hand polished. Perfect balance, comfortable grip. Gives away a...
Hand Forged Japanese Samurai Katana Sword Folded Steel Abrasived Hamon Full Tang
Features: Folded steel. Full Tang. Clay tempered. Battle ready, not just a collectible. Traditional craftsmanship, hand forged, hand polished. Perfect balance, comfortable grip. Gives away a free sword bag and...
Hand Forged Musashi Japanese Katana Sword Damascus Steel Abrasived Hamon Full Tang
Description:The blade is made of folded steel, grains are clearly visible. The tsuka is made of hardwood with black real same and blue synthetic silk ito. The hamon is fake,...