Elden Ring Katana Guide Moonveil Nagakiba Uchigatana Legends

Elden Ring Katana Guide Moonveil Nagakiba Uchigatana Legends

What Are Elden Ring Swords? – The Most Popular Katanas and Their Features

In Elden Ring, katanas are among the most popular weapon types, known for their fast attack speed, smooth combos, and powerful bleed effects. This article introduces some of the most popular katanas in the game and helps you choose the right one for your playstyle.


1. Uchigatana – A Classic Katana Available from the Start

The Uchigatana is one of the most basic yet highly practical katanas in Elden Ring. It features good attack speed and excellent bleed buildup, making it ideal for dexterity and bleed builds. You can obtain it immediately by choosing the Samurai class or find one in the Deathtouched Catacombs.

As a traditional Japanese weapon, katanas have many sword names, such as Uchigatana, Tachi, and Wakizashi, each with unique characteristics. Based on design and purpose, katanas belong to different types of swords, with the Tachi being a long battlefield sword and the Wakizashi being a shorter companion blade. For display purposes, collectors often use a sword stand or sword wall mount to keep their blades secure. The sword blade is crafted with intricate forging techniques, while the sword sheath (scabbard) comes in various materials, such as lacquered wood. Modern katanas have also inspired variants like sword canes and sword sticks, which combine aesthetics with practical self-defense capabilities.

A Classic Katana Available from the Start


2. Nagakiba – A Long Blade for Samurai Playstyles

The Nagakiba is a katana with an exceptionally long reach, ideal for players who prefer maintaining distance. Compared to the Uchigatana, it deals more damage while still retaining powerful bleed buildup. You can acquire it by defeating Bloody Finger Hunter Yura.

3. Moonveil – The Best Choice for Magic Swordsmen

Moonveil is a katana designed for Intelligence builds, famous for its devastating "Transient Moonlight" skill, which unleashes high-damage magic slashes. It is perfect for players who use both magic and melee combat. To obtain Moonveil, you need to defeat the Magma Wyrm in Gael Tunnel.

4. Wakizashi – The Perfect Off-Hand Katana for Dual Wielding

The Wakizashi is a short yet deadly blade, ideal for dual-wielding with other katanas. It has a fast attack speed and allows for piercing attacks, making it an excellent choice for dexterity-focused players. You can find it in the Gaol Cave.

Hand Forged Japanese Wakizashi Sword Damascus Folded Steel Full Tang-COOLKATANA-SL-1300-U

What Is the Wakizashi?

The Wakizashi is a Japanese short sword with a blade length of 30-60 cm, shorter than a katana (60-80 cm) but longer than a tantō (under 30 cm). It was widely used during the Sengoku (15th-17th century) and Edo (17th-19th century) periods, often worn alongside a katana as part of the Daishō  dual-wielding set.

The Wakizashi is known for its versatility and adaptability. Its shorter length makes it more suitable for indoor combat and confined spaces, allowing for quick draws and counterattacks. Samurai often carried the Wakizashi as a backup weapon in case their primary katana was damaged or unavailable. During the Edo period, it was also worn as a symbol of status, and even merchants and commoners were permitted to carry one for self-defense.

Differences Between a Katana and a Wakizashi

The katana and wakizashi are both essential weapons in the arsenal of a samurai, but they differ in size, purpose, and carrying style:

  1. Length Difference

    • Katana: Blade length of 60-80 cm, designed for open-field combat.
    • Wakizashi: Blade length of 30-60 cm, suitable for close-quarters combat.
  2. Purpose Difference

    • Katana: A samurai's main battle weapon, used in direct combat.
    • Wakizashi: A secondary weapon, used for indoor fights, backup defense, and ritual suicide (Seppuku).
  3. Carrying Style

    • The katana and wakizashi were worn together as part of the Daishō tradition, with the katana being the primary weapon and the wakizashi serving as a complementary blade.
    • The katana is typically worn on the outside of the obi (belt) with the blade facing up, while the wakizashi is worn inside the obi, allowing for quick draws.
  4. Symbolic and Social Significance

    • The katana represents the samurai’s honor and warrior status and was restricted to the samurai class.
    • The wakizashi was more widely permitted and sometimes carried by merchants or non-samurai for self-defense.

In short, the katana is the primary battle sword, while the wakizashi serves as a secondary weapon, with each playing a unique role in a samurai’s arsenal.


5. Elden Ring Sword Replicas – Bringing the Game to Life

If you're a fan of Elden Ring and want to own a real-life version of its legendary swords, consider getting an Elden Ring Sword Replica. Many collectors and gamers love acquiring replica versions of Moonveil, Nagakiba, Uchigatana, and other iconic katanas. Whether for display, cosplay, or collection purposes, these swords allow fans to experience their favorite weapons beyond the game.


In Elden Ring, katanas are highly practical and visually stunning weapons. Whether you prefer the high bleed damage of the Uchigatana, the long reach of the Nagakiba, the magic-infused Moonveil, or the dual-wielding potential of the Wakizashi, there's a katana to match your playstyle.

For fans who appreciate real katanas, Elden Ring sword replicas offer an excellent way to bring these legendary weapons into reality. If you're passionate about katanas, don’t miss out on these incredible blades!